Sunday, October 5, 2008

Food premises and food stalls by laws

From City Scene, published on 16 March 2008

This proposal aims to revoke parts 15 (Food Premises) and Part 16 (Food Stalls) of the Auckland City Consolidated Bylaw 1998 and replace them with Auckland City Council Food Premises Bylaw 2008 and Auckland City Council Food Stalls Bylaw 2008. These two bylaws share many similarities, including their purpose, aims, terms and content. They are therefore to be reviewed together for the purposes of this summary of information. The council considers that bylaws are the most appropriate way of addressing the problems associated with the food premises and food stalls.

Food premises bylaw
The proposed bylaw builds on the provisions of the current bylaw without altering its nature and purpose. The proposed bylaw will:

  • allow an environmental health officer to close any food premise that is deemed to be in a state of disrepair or in such a condition that food may be exposed to contamination, taint or dirt



Anonymous said...

thats amazing story.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.